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Angel & Crystal readings is a beautiful 30 minute reading which we will talk about your angels surrounding you and the crystals you can use to help you go forward.


These readings are different to the Tarot readings.  More upbeat and messages from the Angels.  During this time we will look at crystals which can help with your journey and every day use.


Natasha will tap into your energy while you shuffle the cards, connecting with your spirit guides and their own to bring messages from above. 


The cards chosen will be used as a guide, the reader may also channel messages from their own spirit guides as well as yours.  Intuitively they will read your energy and through the guidance of the cards.  


Once purchased, we will send you an email on the dates available.  Once your time has been confirmed, you will be sent an email with the telephone number to call.


The reader will advise you when you have two minutes left of your time.  Please remember this reading is only for 30 mins.  Extra time can be purchased at a rate of £1.50 per minute. 


Enjoy your reading and please remember this is for entertainment only.

Angel & Crystal Readings by Zoom


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