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Please note: Price is per piece


Que Sera is a unique and powerful crystal that is believed to offer a range of benefits to those who work with it. While individual experiences may vary, here are some commonly attributed benefits of working with Que Sera:


Que Sera is known for its ability to balance and harmonize various energies within the body and spirit. It is believed to align the chakras, creating a sense of equilibrium and promoting overall well-being.


The crystal is thought to have a calming and soothing effect on emotions. Working with Que Sera may help release emotional blockages, alleviate stress, and provide a sense of inner peace, fostering emotional healing.


Que Sera is said to stimulate spiritual awareness and intuition. Many practitioners believe that this crystal can facilitate a deeper connection to higher realms, aiding in spiritual growth and enlightenment.


By clearing negative energies and promoting a positive outlook, Que Sera may contribute to increased self-confidence and self-esteem. It encourages a sense of empowerment and helps individuals overcome self-doubt.


Working with Que Sera is believed to enhance mental clarity and focus. It may help clear mental fog, improve concentration, and assist in making decisions with greater insight and discernment.


The crystal is associated with qualities of resilience and inner strength. Working with Que Sera may provide the courage and determination needed to overcome challenges, promoting a sense of empowerment.


Que Sera is often seen as a crystal of transformation. It is believed to assist individuals in navigating periods of change, facilitating personal growth and helping one adapt to new circumstances with grace and ease.


While not a substitute for medical treatment, some believe that Que Sera may have a positive impact on physical healing processes. It is thought to promote vitality and support the body's natural healing abilities.


Que Sera is associated with improved communication skills. It may help individuals express themselves more clearly and authentically, fostering positive interactions with others.


  • Balancing Energies 

  • Emotional Healing

  • Enhanced Spiritual Awareness

  • Boosting Confidence and Self-Esteem

  • Supporting Mental Clarity

  • Promoting Inner Strength 

  • Transformation and Change

  • Physical Healing

  • Enhancing Communication 

  • Grounding


Invite positivity into your space with Que Sera!

Entrance: Place near the front door for positive energy and protection.

Living Room: On a table or mantelpiece for warmth and meaningful conversations.

Bedroom: Under the pillow for restful sleep and emotional healing.

Office: Boost focus and creativity on your desk, while keeping stress at bay.


Chakras: Earth Star, Root chakra, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third-Eye & Soul Star 8th 

Zodiac: All 

Elements: Earth & Storm

Planets: Earth

Que Sera Tumble Stone from Brazil


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