Native American Feather Smudge Fan with Citrine Crystal and Rhodonite & Smoky Quartz Beads 🔮🪶✨ Size approx.: 30 cm length x 13cm width x 3cm depth
Native American handmade feather Smudge fans are very useful when lighting your sage or palo Santo. Use the feather smudge fan to waft the smoke over you to remove the negative energies.
The feathers you used when smudging really help with the removal of certain energies and intentions. Linked with the crystals, it really makes these Smudge Fans extra special and a great tool to work with, especially when cleansing and clearing negative energies from our aura and space.
This beautiful handmade fan comes with a leather handle with tassels to hold the fan. Wrapped with suede cord and a Citrine crystal. Please note, the crystal can be changed depending on your intentions when smudging. Within the feather fan you will see that there are x3 beads. x1 Rhodiate and x2 Smoky Quartz beads.
Citrine “The Light Maker of Abundance" It is a power alignment tool that works with your Higher Self to heal old patterns, increases self-esteem and attracts abundance.
Smoky Quartz is a superb meditation partner that helps ground and centres you, eliminate fears and enhances your dream awareness. Disperses fear, lifts depression and negativity. Brings emotional calmness, relieving stress and anxiety.
Rhodonite is very effective stone for shedding old patterns and pain, it has a strong heart based energy that has a useful healing to help with relationship problems, bringing peace to troubled ones.
The Citrine Crystal on this feather fan can be changed depending on your intentions and clearing/cleansing at the time. The cord is tight but you can untie and change the crystal. Re wrapping the suede cord with another crystal, you wish to use. Using crystals while smudging can help with the energies of intentions and what you wish to create or release.
Extra singular tumbled stones can be ordered on our website. Changing your feather fan with every smudge 💨🔮🪶
This handmade Native American Indian fan has the following feathers Turkey, Peacock, Goose, Pheasant, Rooster and finished off adorned with small little feathers, making your fan a glorious uplifting and decorated piece to work with. These feather fans have been lovingly handmade especially for you to use with clear intentions. This fan has the following feathers:
x4 Turkey feathers
Turkey feathers are used as an element of fire, creating passion and creativity in your endeavours. Linked to the Root Chakra. The turkey feather smbolizes being strong and grounded, connecting to the Earth and the spiritual realms. Native Americans believe the turkey feather provides protection, strength, abundance and wisdom.
🪶 Protection
🪶 Transformation
🪶 Passion
🪶 Strength
🪶 Abundance
🪶 Focus
🪶 Awareness
Peacock Feather
The Greeks and Romans referred to the Peacock tails as the eye of the stars.
In medieval times several portraits of angels with wings made of Peacock feathers, they believed to have angelic connections and a messenger from higher realms.
Shamanic traditions believe the Peacock is a healer and is often used by the Shamans in healing rituals and awakening physic ability.
🦚 Safeguards the wearer
🦚 Absorbs unbeneficial energy
🦚 Gives a Psychic vision
🦚 Healing
🦚 Spiritual transcendence
🦚 Love
Pheasant Feathers
Pheasant feathers are believed to bring protection. Pheasants are symbols for our soul because they come to us as messengers from different dimensions. Buddhists believe male feathers bring abundance. These birds have strong links to grounding energy when used in smudging fans. It is believed using the Pheasant feathers can reach higher spiritual cognition while keeping us grounded.
Rooster Feathers
Rooster is significant in the Celtic traditions, The God of Mercury (God of messages and abundance) is shown with a sacred rooster. It is believed the Rooster has the power to banish unhappy spirits. Native Americans see the Rooster as a symbol of the sun, resurrection and protection. Used in meditation the rooster will help teach self-protection and cleanse your auric field. In the east, the Rooster is a very popular symbol. Believing when the sun comes up, the rooster chases away evil spirits.
Clears Negativity
Sun energy
Goose Feathers
Goose feathers are closely linked to the Native American culture. The goose feather resides in the north part of the medicine wheel, which represents renewal. This Feather also safeguards those who carry It and increases communication with trust and intention. The Goose is known for strength, wisdom and is often referred to as a warrior spirit.
Safeguard the wearer and others
Warrior spirit
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